It could be said that one without enemies is a nemesis to none, but of little value to anyone. For, one does not bring new value to a competitive market place without drawing the attention of the one away from another. This loss of attention for the other, if sustained, can lead to unexpected loss for same. For a poor loser, this loss can create animosity and spark vengeful retaliation.
Then too, there are those who are simply malicious by nature, and who seek to raise their self-esteem by taking advantage of the weaknesses of others or by teaching them a lesson that makes themselves feel superior.
And finally, there are those who are wicked, do not want that their crimes are exposed, and seek to defeat any and all who would dare expose them.
To which of the above Grammar Captive has become a victim it is difficult to say, for the internet is a jungle filled with invisible evil.
In any case, Grammar Captive’s custom search engine is being maliciously exploited, and the evidence is clear; one only has to view Grammar Captive’s word clouds to see that no preference is shown. This is because the number of searches is exorbitantly large, and the search entries themselves are heavily redundant. In short, someone is spamming Grammar Captive’s data base.
Fortunately, this discovery has been made before Grammar Captive’s production launch. Unfortunately, further work on Grammar Captive’s word clouds will be delayed indefinitely until the spamming has been brought to a halt.