No further visible development is expected on Grammar Captive until the beginning of the New Year when many new visible surprises are expected.
RSS Feed Established
When blog entries posted by me via email are made on the Grammar Captive blog page, they automatically appear on the Grammar Captive home page in abbreviated form as an RSS feed.
This feature can be extended to other members of the Grammar Captive community.
Roddy A. Stegemann, A.B., M.A., M.A. Telephone: +1 206 291 8468
Hing Hay Coworks 409B Maynard Ave., South Seattle, Washington 98104
Still Another Test Post
This time without HTML format and a signature.
Test Entry
Grammar Captive bloggers are now able to post their entries to the Grammar Captive blog page directly from their email accounts.
You have only to demonstrate your loyalty to Grammar Captive and request that your email account be designated for direct access.
New Home
Until a large student base has been developed I have decided to host the Webinar Series on the Grammar Captive webpage at Webinar Series.
The page may not be as sophisticated as that provided by the recently employed WordPress plug-in, but I do have more control over the functionality and appearance of what I post when I set it up by myself.
A First Step
Good things take time, but for the moment this is all that I have been able to accomplish in the time that chance and endeavor have allowed.