Autumn Equinox (2024)

Galileo Galilee (1564-1642) was, but three months old, when Jean Calvin (1509-1564) passed away in May of 1564. Martin Luther (1483-1546) had preceded Galileo Galilee by more than a century. In effect, Galilee was a late-comer to the Christian Reformation, but it was he who made it clear that the earth and other planetary bodies, known to all of human-kind at the time, rotated around the sun, and that the earth was not the center of the universe, as many of us, humans, once believed.

The rotation of the earth around the sun does not form a concentric circle; it forms, rather, the pattern of a near circular ellipse. It is not this elliptical pattern that causes the four seasons that we who live distant from the equator experience every year. The cause is the tilt of the earth in relationship to the sun at each point of the earth’s orbit around the sun. Every year this relationship reaches four astronomical extremes: two of these occur in the spring and fall, and two in the summer and winter. Indeed, twice a year equality becomes an extreme, and the amount of sunlight and its absence, that we humans located on the earth’s surface experience, are the same.

With these thoughts I wish you a Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Roddy A. Stegemann
First Hill, Seattle 98104
Author of Mount Cambitas – The Story of Real Money

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Life is full of surprises. Still, you can quit at anytime, if you have grown weary of their outcome. For, after all, survival is but a first step; it is a primitive instinct that does not distinguish us, humans, from other animals. Accordingly, if it is all that you can achieve in life, do not be surprised that others treat you like an ordinary animal. Alas, if it is all there is left, and you have grown weary, it is good justification to depart. Before you go, however, look deep inside and determine if you are not the cause of your own demise. For, in the end, society owes you nothing, and even your parents are likely to forsake you, if you have not been grateful. Have you said thanks for all that you have received, and have you given in return for all that you have taken? John F. Kennedy once stated "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country". Obviously, he was not thinking of taxes, but the help that he would require to become an effective president. Little that is great can be achieved alone. Then too, it takes great leaders to motivate society and move it forward in a manner that will pave the way to a better tomorrow. The world is in need of good leaders. Maybe you are one of them in disguise. Indeed, no one owes you a living, but if people see you struggling they are apt to lend a hand. Just do not be afraid to reach out. And, do not quit, if nothing is given in return. For, many people simply do not care, and you must not let them get you down. You have a right to your own life and the pursuit of your own happiness, so do not be afraid to claim what is yours. Just do not take what belongs to others, if it not without their permission or obtained in fair competition. And, cry out when you have been cheated, but only if there is something to be gained from your cries, for few people like a cry-baby. Be judicious, strategic, and select your battles wisely. Do not waste your time with trivial injustices, for we all make errors, and we are all, therefore, subject to the injustice of others. It is the very thought of exercising my freedom of last resort that keeps me alive, for it is the comfort that I can put an end to my suffering at any time that allows me to endure enormous pain. It is what gives me the courage to fight for what is right without fear of losing. It is a powerful freedom that you should never surrender! Just do not make pain your goal, or you will surely finish a loser. Then too, never place pleasure over goodness and know to distinguish between the two. In liberty, Roddy

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