Measures of Visitor Interest and Other Innovation

Slowly, but surely, the excitement of Matomo is returning.  What before seemed a very large, perhaps even insurmountable hurdle, now appears surmountable.  In order to jump the hurdle, however, Grammar Captive will have to relocate to a less expensive workspace.  This will release funds for the purchase of a scalable cloud as well as a private secure server that will facilitate the Matomo jump.  The scalable cloud will be great for initial growth, for two important reasons: one, visitors will not have to worry about delays in server speed; and two, Grammar Captive will can pay according to visitor demand.  More visitors mean more potential revenue, and a better ability to pay.

In the meanwhile, Grammar Captive has added several new features to the Sponsors Overview section under the menu item Visitor Profile in the Mainpage navigation bar.  These features include a section entitled Return Visitors and a new category of measurement under All Visitors entitled Visitor Interest.  This latter feature is of special interest because it allows potential sponsors to see how visits are distributed over the number of pages visited and the amount of time spent on the site with each visit.  And, yes, there is more.

In passing, certain inadequacies regarding Grammar Captive’s responsive design — internet jargon for how a webpage appears on a smartphone — have been overcome.  Firstly, on the podcast homepage clicking on Podcast Index under the Concept or Form and Use category automatically scrolls your viewport to the proper index.   Also, the width of the middle section no longer appears narrower than the rest of the sections (header, navigation bar, side-bar, and footer) when the entire site is viewed in stacked column mode — an important feature of responsive design.

Now for the bad news.  Unfortunately, the tedious formatting that went into the design of Grammar Captive’s first podcasts created many, many months ago must be redone, as the audio templates that resulted were lost when the iMac’s hard disk failed.  Development, like life, is rarely a straight line ….


Up from the Depths of Silence

The excitement has dissipated as the limitations of Matomo are becoming slowly and begrudgingly realized.

Matomo’s idea of share all or share none is a bit disappointing and goes against my own sense of what is good for business and Grammar Captive visitors.

No, this means neither that I have given up, nor that I will even abandon the software.  Simply more time will be required for me to achieve my goal.

In the meantime, additional Matomo fruits are beginning to appear as a new panel has been added to the Grammar Captive mainpage.  Look for the subheading Sponsor Overview in the navigation bar under Visitor Profile and click.

Also, on the list of good news:  podcast preparation will begin this weekend.  After all, in order to understand visitor activity there must be something there for them to be active about.

Have a great weekend!
